Monday, January 26, 2015

Countdown to My First (Official) Blog Post

I've been a late-bloomer my whole life... Last one to lose my baby teeth, last one to need a training bra, last one to get married and have kids (still waiting on that one) and last one (in the world, I believe) to start a blog! I have had one hell of a year plus I have a birthday what better time to start a blog, am I right?

Here's what: I am happy. Truly, smiling-every-day, happy. And it came to me unexpectedly this year (see where I'm going with this blog name now, don't you? You smarty-pants, you!). After almost two years of having to fake a smile and living in a cloud of sadness, I can finally say that I am happy every day. ...Not that it was easy my friend! Or that I don't have to work on it! But I want to share my journey so maybe one of you can catch this happy-bug and end up with a perma-grin too. Happy.

Flip through the news channels, check out your Facebook newsfeed and even listen to the girl in the cubicle next to you. They all seem to keep reporting horrible, unhappy shit. (I do swear occasionally....let's get past it, okay? Plus, I heard that swearing is a sign a person is honest and trustworthy. Which I am. I will always tell you the truth, friend. And I veer off topic from time to time. You should know that about me right up front too.) Anyway, I know how influential these streams of toxic messages can be in my mind, and I've found ways to combat it and find the positive voice. It's out there if you listen. Come sit with me and we'll do it together.

I'll leave you tonight with one of my favorite quotes, taken (loosely) from Candide: We live in the "best of all possible worlds" and things happen for the best of all possible reasons.

This world brought you to me and me to you.
Sounds like the best to me!
