Sunday, February 1, 2015

First Rule of Being in...Happiness

We've all met those totally "with it" people who have known what they wanted to be when they grow up from the time they can walk. You might even be one of those people. But I am so not one of those people. I wish I was. I wish that I had a clear path and knew I wanted to be, say, a lawyer and took steps to achieve that goal. I wish I was talented enough at a sport or a hobby that I became a pro before graduating from high school. Those people who do (the Em's and Carolyn's of the world) are blessed and amazing...and I hate them!

Okay, okay, no hate here, but I just don't see how that is fair. I played a little piano, but was by no means a prodigy. I did gymnastics up until I broke a bone (a clear sign that hobby was not a good fit for me). And a career path? Me? Not even close. My "path" is more like closing my eyes and throwing a dart at a big board of jobs...but every time the dart sticks, I flip my life upside down to do it. Let's see, it started at the local roller rink, at the snack bar and eventually the coveted DJ position. (Shout out!) Then there was the life of an assistant furniture buyer. Then I moved and could only find waitressing positions for a while...Oh, and I can't forget about my stint as a bartender at a bitching biker bar in Wisconsin. I landed in IT a few years back and enjoyed it, but then I threw another dart and it landed on "automotive glass shop owner in Utah" so, of course, I did that.... And the list goes on.

In preschool I remember having to draw a picture of what we wanted to be when we grow up. My classmates proceeded to draw the usual: teacher, doctor, fireman...But me? Take a wild guess at what I drew. (Need help? Just think of something completely ridiculous. It'll be that.)

I drew a cheerleader! A cheerleader?! Now, I realize you don't know me very well yet, and I might be a happy, smiley girl, but I am not cheerleader material. When all of my friends in middle school were trying out for the cheerleading squad I refused, and joined the swim team instead (well, a cute boy might have swayed my decision on that...but, more on boys another time).  Hell, I have just about the same amount of clarity on my future as I did when I was 4 years old!

But I have wondered what my life would be like if I had chosen to be a cheerleader. Would I have been bubbly and happy at a far earlier age? Would I have been so popular in high school that I'd have dated the quarterback and become prom queen? Something tells me, not. That just isn't me. And one thing I absolutely, positively know about being happy is that I have to be 100% authentic. I can only be SKate. Anytime I try to hide who I am or be something I'm not, I end up miserable!

I hope today and everyday you choose to be you. You're pretty rad. (But you know that.)

Rah rah!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. OMG I feel the exact same way! I'm hoping one day I'll figure out what I want to do when I grow up!! Great blog start...

  3. I can't wait to read the "boys" blog!

  4. Maybe if you chose "cheerleader" you wouldn't have been "last" with children, you would have been "first"! So maybe it's working out better than you imagine! Ha ha!
