Thursday, February 9, 2017

Kate Hudson is My Spirit Animal (alternate title: Vision Boards Changed My Life)

A few years ago vision boards were all the rage. You might have made one. You might still, which is good too. If you did, go find it and take inventory of what you put on it. Are there patterns? More of one type of thing than another? I've probably made 5 now but here is a snapshot of one of the first (it was multi-page in my journal):

Check out what I you see it too? I noticed it just today, it's mostly STUFF! Physical things that I wanted, be it shoes, a fancy car even a grand piano! STUFF! There is very little about who I wanted to be as a person, or what I wanted to experience that year, or goals I wanted to accomplish. Basically, I missed the point of the exercise and created a grown-up Christmas list. Sad.

This past fall I was getting restless in my current situation, as often happens to me every 3 or so years. I get wanderlust and I decide to pick up my life and change everything, move across country, or something equally as crazy. But this time I was thinking of moving to an island! Somewhere like Belize, or The Virgin Islands, or Panama. And in preparation, I walked around my apartment and looked at something, like my reading lamp, and asked myself if it was worth paying the hefty shipping fee to get it to my new place. I'd conclude it wasn't, then walk on to the next item. And so on. At the end of my walk-through I only had about 5 things (other than clothes of course) that I'd really want with me if I moved to a tropical island. It made me realize I wanted a life filled with more than just STUFF!

Since then I've been nonchalant about my belongings (which usually I'm very protective of and careful with) and haven't really been buying new stuff at all. I think my money is better spent on dinners with friends, or flights home to see my family, or vacations and new experiences...or, okay, the occasional tattoo, like this one:
I decided that I'd keep the bare minimum to make me comfortable and sell or donate the rest. So I'm in this purging mode (my stuff, not my stomach, to be clear!) and have challenged myself to keep only one of something, but definitely no more than 3 (say, pots, since I do like to cook). I don't even mind if I'll be "inconvenienced" someday if I go to reach for something that I need which I gave away the month before. That just gives me an opportunity to be creative and come up with an alternative plan...or to ask a friend or neighbor to borrow theirs. It's always been hard for me to admit I need help, but exercises like that will make me get over thinking of it as a weakness.

My stuff was clouding my life and what truly matters! I won't ever let that happen again. Hell, I'll become a minimalist and follow these guys before that happens (go watch their documentary on Netflix)!

But I do want to point out one beacon of hope on my vision board...the picture of Kate Hudson. I'm not a stalker, and although I think she's pretty, I don't want to date her...Don't be weird. But look at my handwritten note by the pic "Be chill like Kate." To me, that means to be more like the silly, yoga-loving, successful, Bohemian Princess that she is! Plus she's an entrepreneur, seems to have many close friends, and loves to have a good time! (Click here for a fun party pic...wouldn't you love to hang out with her?!) Bonus that my middle name is every time I sign something, see my full name, or write a blog under my nickname, SKate, I will be reminded to be more free spirited and care less about my STUFF and more about my happiness.

Do you have STUFF you don't need? Is it taking over your home, and your life? If it's not important, or used regularly, I challenge you to get rid of it! You may even make a few extra dollars, which I suggest you put toward a vacation fund. :)

Have fun, always, Lovelies!

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